Casey Burrus
Casey Burrus joined Midwest Assistance Program, Inc. (MAP) in 2022 and brings with her fourteen years of experience working in county government in the County Equalization Office as a Certified Assessor Appraiser in both the Staff Appraiser and Director positions. In this position, she was responsible for assessing all real property within the county and basing property values on comparable sales, replacement costs, and/or income. She was also responsible for educating the public on the assessment process and how it affects the property owner.
Casey also filled the role of County Planning and Zoning Administrator for 8 years. As such, she was responsible for approving building permits or preparing the building permit application for public hearings. She maintained all county ordinances and worked with state departments and county commissioners to ensure all rules were followed for building permit applications. Casey is also an active member in her community and has helped Burke Business Development write and obtain grants to provide websites for businesses, as well as sat on the board for Burke Business Development to help businesses obtain funding and support. She was one of the founding board members for the Burke Daycare and is currently the sec/treas of the daycare. While employed by the county, she obtained a grant to build the Gregory County website. Casey is active with South Dakota Specialty Producers and is on the Executive Team as the Secretary. The organization promotes local foods and specialty crops and educates potential producers on how to succeed in the specialty crop market. Casey has written block grant applications to help fund the organization's goals. Casey is also a Bush Foundation Change Network Member and has worked to obtain grants to help fund art and community projects within Gregory County. This undertaking has included musical events, speakers, and bringing in an artist to work with locals in the community to create an art installation. Casey worked in the role of Project Manager/Technical Assistance Provider for one year prior to assuming the role of Internal Programs Manager for MAP providing oversight, coordination, and reporting for the organization's programs. Casey loves rural living and believes there is nothing but opportunity in rural America. |