Shelly Underwood
Shelly Underwood is the Kansas State Field Manager for Midwest Assistance Program, Inc. with over 15 years of experience in the water and wastewater industry. She holds a Class 1 Certification in Drinking Water and Wastewater Operations through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and is certified in Integrated Solid Waste Management Practices through SWANA. Shelly's technical assistance efforts for rural communities include assisting with funding applications through USDA RD and the State’s State Revolving Loan Fund for water and wastewater infrastructure replacement. Additional strengths include conducting rate analysis, on-site operator training, budget preparation, emergency preparedness, GIS mapping, and inflow/infiltration analysis of wastewater utility collection systems. Shelly has experience in grant writing and administration, municipal managerial and financial operations, and conducting board and clerk trainings. As the State Field Manager, Shelly oversees the Kansas Project Managers/Technical Assistance Providers, facilitates communications with primacy and other various state stakeholders and ensures MAP’s program deliverables are met.